Videos tagged with Thomas B. Metzloff

  • Alaska’s Ballot Initiative Today: History, Practice, and Process: Elizabeth Bakalar (Former Senior Assistant Attorney General, Current Municipal Attorney)

    Alaskan Exceptionalism in Campaign Finance: Chad Flanders (Professor of Law, Saint Louis University School of Law)

    Commenter- Susan Orlansky (Reeves Amodio LLC)
    Moderator: Professor Thomas B. Metzloff (Duke Law; Alaska Law Review)

    Originally recorded on October 30, 2020.

    Sponsored by the Alaska Law Review and co-sponsored with the University of Alaska Anchorage Justice Center.

  • The Program in Public Law presents its Annual Supreme Court Preview. Duke Law professors Lisa Griffin, Tom Metzloff, Darrell Miller, and Neil Siegel offer a preview of the Supreme Court's October 2015 Term.

  • Professors Beskind and Metzloff as well as a local surgical oncologist, Dr. Andrew Berchuck, will speak about the current medical malpractice system, its flaws, and potential solutions. Professors Beskind and Metzloff will also speak on the realities of practice in the field, the perks and struggles of this kind of litigation, and how they get into the field. Dr. Berchuck will provide a doctor's perspective on litigation, including the risks he faces as a doctor and his point of view as a witness in medical malpractice litigation.

    Recorded on March 28, 2011.

  • Recorded on November 8, 2008, Duke University, School of Law.

    Speakers: Introductory remarks by Dean David Levi ; Richard H. Brodhead, Tom Metzloff, Richard Danner, Honorable Allyson K. Duncan (U.S. Court of Appeals), Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (U.S. Supreme Court) at 50:45, and Jillian M. Harrison (Duke Bar Association Internal Vice President).

  • A discussion of the Duke Lacrosse case.

    Recorded on April 14, 2007.

    Lecture titled: Ethics Lessons Learned in the Duke Lacrosse Case.

    Appearing: Kathryn Bradley (Duke University School of Law), moderator; Tom Metzloff (Duke University School of Law), Jim Coleman (Duke University School of Law), Mike Tigar (Duke University School of Law), Seyward Darby (Editor - Duke Chronicle).

  • A discussion panel that will explore issues surrounding high publicity cases. The panel includes Duke Law Professors Tom Metzloff, Jim Coleman, Mike Tigar, and N&O reporter Joe Neff, who has been covering the Duke lacrosse case.

    Recorded on January 25, 2007.

  • Professor Thomas Metzloff presents his latest documentary on Van Orden v. Perry, a landmark Supreme Court case that tested the limits of church and state. Through interviews with the people involved, including Van Orden, Duke Law Professor Erwin Chemerinsky (who argued Van Orden's case before the Court), and Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz, the video explores the factual and legal underpinnings of the case, its path to the U.S. Supreme Court, and its effects on the people involved.